Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Truly Asia, Truly Local

Here I am, Malaysia truly Asia, I keep telling myself it's nothing wrong to be local ! I am proud to be local ! :) This is my first time in 7 years celebrating Spring Festival with my parents in beautiful Penang, Malaysia. The Chinese New Year here is more traditional than the one in China. I've been to many different ones for example in Cupertino, SF China Town, LA Alhambra and etc, but I would say Penang, a truly LOCAL place for Spring Festival baby !

I know I will miss the local-ness in Penang due to the real laid back life style we all shared. People are getting tired easily due to the warm tropical weather and easy to fall asleep in an afternoon, found themselves napping under a coconut tree !

Small Island - Penang is a small and unique diverse island. Whenever there's a newly opened mall, everyone will be spreading the word by mouth and eventually everyone will end up in the mall walking arund with a simple t shirt and a summer slipper. Many familiar faces can be found, everyone greats each other when they bump into them and kids will say "Aunty Uncle, how are you huh" Very local Penang slang. Now you can see the power of local ness, imagine 100 uncles spreading the word to another 100 aunties, the number will double up each time, soon the mall will be full of people ! In this small island, any marketing or promotion is unnecessary because we have sooo many locals ! I am lovin it :P